Friday, September 11, 2009


i have lost 4LBS, not bad for a week. the only hard part is....OK there is more than one,i think i have a pinched nerve in my back,that has been bothering me for years but now that I'm trying to get more exercise its flaring,and i think that the chair that I'm sitting on right now isn't excuses.I'm still getting out every day,it's just hard to get motivated. also readjusting the amount that i eat,....well their is so much pleasure to be had in a good meal.i spent my whole life learning how to cook,and i like to think i have gotten pretty good at how i cook,portion size,how i shop , it all has to change.I'm doing it but it is hard.i think i will see a Doctor for my back next week,you know when i think about it it is kind of like changing course in a large ship it takes a long time and its done in small increments.will i have the Patience to see this through?i hope the way, son is doing well,swapped the splint for a cast.he seems more comfortable with that.4 weeks and we will be back to normal,wee at least what passes for normal for us.

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