Saturday, July 25, 2009


That just had to be said.why? you might ask? well it might have some thing to do with the self righteous condescension i get just for speaking my mind.the other day i took part in a debate about "strip clubs"now i knew that my opinion wasn't going to be the popular one but what i didn't think was going to happen was that a guy was going to put down my thoughts.not just disagree with them but put them down as though i was not only uninformed but willfully ignorant. he started of with"BOB I used to think like you,Until I found Jesus Christ...."and so on and so on.not only was my thoughts completely ignored in favour of a very long winded sermon on how strippers were all kidnapped and forced into stripping and had all their money took from them,he went on about how all men who were not right with Jesus objectified Christians were above all that.BULL SHIT!!!like Christians don't go to strip clubs?to fuck they don't.and it wasn't just one guy who went this fact their was one guy who started off with "I don't know you Bob"when in fact he does,he just doesn't remember,i remember him though,thought he was a dick than and i think he is a dick now.that is why i haven't "frended him"bottom line America is a predominantly christian country,witch has a five billion dollar a year porn industry,billions of dollars spent on drugs,and prostitution.not to mention that strip clubs and casino's have no problem keeping there doors open. now I'm supposed to think that Christians have nothing to do with that?REALLY!?!? those fucked up hypocrites run this shit.they just like to think that nobody can see what they do behind closed doors,and than they can get down on those of us who are at least honest with our quote Marilyn Manson"I WASN'T BORN WITH ENOUGH MIDDLE FINGERS!" well that is all i got for now i need to do stuff in the real world.latter.

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