Sunday, March 14, 2010

"it must be so scary without faith!"

This condescending phrase has been said to me by more than one person,and more than one time,and it always gives me pause. how can it be "scary"to not believe in something that isn't true? I have thought about this for some time now,and as i was watching "Star Wars" this weekend it came to me."how scary it must be to not have faith in the FORCE?"that all pervasive energy connecting all helps that more and more people are identifying them selves as "Jedi"and it is becoming recognized as a legitimate religion.of course "Star Wars" is a fictional story and right now no one disputes this,in two hundred years,....who knows?with enough time and a willingness to believe... but i digress.the mind set to utter such nonsense as "It must be scary to not have faith" and "atheists have nothing to look forward to,it must be so depressing."come from the same arrogance that Leeds Evangelists to believe that they can "save" some one from themselves.this person actually thinks that they are better than all those who don't think like they do.although they wont admit it they look down on any one who doesn't agree with them.where does this mindset come from? i think it is a type of Solipsism ( basically they cant conceive of some one not thinking like they do. this is mostly because they are afraid of a life that does not have them in it.the total of their reality is one that is is all they know,and so they cling to the belief that if one believes in a story,than that person will live forever,....after they is an unwillingness to contemplate a universe where all that you know isn't all that there is,and that the ego is not permanent. it is like the old adage"when you point a finger you have three pointing back at you"their condescension comes from their own fear,they don't under stand it is not scary to know that our time on this earth is limited,in fact it makes the time that we have all the more precious.this time that we have will never come have eternity waiting in the wings dwarfs,and belittles the finite quantity that is life.what we do hear is all that matters.there is no heaven,no hell,no after life,no second coming,this life is all there is,and it is not scary,or is liberating,and is concentrated by its sacristy,not diluted by eternity.

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