Wednesday, March 31, 2010


after two days I'm surprised to see that this story is not getting more fact my local news barely mentioned it.and i cant seem to wonder if it is getting a pass because they are christian.not that the court system will go easy on them,not with all the handy videos that they so thoughtfully shot for the prosecution.
no, i wonder if the Media and the American culture is giving them a pass.
just because they are that i mean if they were Muslim the news would be camped out in front of the court house,and any where else they could think of yammering on about the "sleeper cells" that were hiding in plain terrorists are infiltrating the Midwest E.T.C.
the sad fact is that terrorists are infiltrating the mid west,AND THEY ARE CHRISTIAN!
i saw on CNN how the other militia groups are distancing them selves from the huttaree saying "they aren't real Christians" and "real militias aren't like that."and i cant help but think that I'm going to take the huttaree at their word,they say they are christian and their web site says they are christian ,than they are christian.
i don't blame the other militias from distancing them selves from the huttaree,if i had a violent anti-government group and one of my buddy's was stupid and got busted,and i wanted to fly under the radar so that i could still carry out my plans to attempt
to over through the government i would distance my self too.
i hope the F.B.I is smart enough to keep following up on the militia movement,from what i have seen they are melding with the tea party,and are being fed by the far right christian Conservative movement as well
the militia wants to overthrow the government,and the christian right wants to establish a theocracy. the two combined are a dangerous monster hiding under our collective beds.
i for one don't want to look at a smoking pile of ruins and hear some talking head on T.V saying"why weren't we warned?" well we were.many just weren't listening,because no real christian would do that! Wanna bet?i will leave off with one last thought,...the federal building in Oklahoma city.
if the links don't work copy and past to your search bar.

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