Friday, March 20, 2009

Well one day closer to quit day.I'm smoking like a fiend,trying to get all the "smoking pleasure"i can.if the taxes wern't going up i wouldn't be in this predicament ,but there you are ." if you can't afford it we win!"is Thar motto almost as bad as Thar battle cry "it's for the children!"the problem with that is they are using the revenue to fund special projects like SCHIP.but if prices go up enough to make people quit,and they are,there won't be enough funding for these know what this means?taxes are going up for every one!how do you want to pay?property,sails,or state income tax,or ma by all of the above?sorry you don't get a choice. hey it's not my game I'm just forced to a truly free society we wouldn't have these problems. think about it. 

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